Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have been tagged!

I've been tagged by Lisa to post 8 random facts about myself.

I have to post these rules before I give you the facts:

1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write in their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

So, here's my 8 random factoids:

1. My husband and I are from the same hometown, but never knew of each other growing up. He is 6 1/2 years my senior. We met while both working for a short time in the local grocery store. I was on my semester off of college after just moving back home from New Orleans and he had just moved home from Denver.

2. I am currently back in school working on another degree. This time, I am going back to be a neonatal nurse, and eventually a neonatal nurse practitioner. Originally, I was going to apply to med school, but decided with 3 small kids that was near impossible when all the logistics came to head; daycare, school, appointments. My current program I am able to do on nights and weekends:)

3. I hope to someday live in the south again. I love the south.

4. I love my grandmother's fried chicken and cornbread, and hope to someday perfect her technique.

5. I have Type 1 diabetes and wear and insulin pump. Contrary to popular belief, the pump is not surgically inserted. It is a small insulin catheter 9 mm long just beneath my skin. I change it out every 2-3 days. The pump clips to my pants and contains the insulin. People cringe when they hear this, but it is 1000x better than doing 6-8 shots a day that is required of the average Type 1.

6. I broke the chain. My three kids were all born premature, as was my mother (30 wkr) and my grandmother (under 2 lbs - gest unknown). I MUST be an oddball (no smart comments here). I was 8 1/2 lbs at birth! HA!

7. My middle name is Lane. It is my grandmother's middle name. I have now passed it down to Isaac. He is Isaac Lane.

8. I started college at age 16.

I am tagging (some of you may have already been tagged??):


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

16??? Wow..so you were a nerd? lol When I was in college, we had this 11 yr old taking summer classes with us..Summer Calculus..We all just kind of stared at her in amazement...and at breaks, she would bring all kinds of candy and ice cream back to the room. It was quite funny.>She was just a KID!