Friday, July 6, 2007

Back in business....

We are back in business and everyone is feeling much better! Thank goodness! We have been spending alot of time outside lately (the only way to stay sane-HA). Isaac loves to go down the slip-n-slide, but our old stand-by bit the dust so off we went to Wal-Mart to get a new one. Of course, we got there and they were all sold out. The only one left on the shelf was a triple-wide one. So what do we do? Buy it, of course. Isaac had fun on it the first 5 minutes. Being the crazy wild kid he is that's how long it took him to get injured. He ended up twisting his foot on the top edge of it, but all is fine now.
Isaac also decided to spend his allowance on a giant bubble blower. We ended up getting one that came with a giant plastic loop and a dipping tray. BAD IDEA. I couldn't even get the thing to work. He was so disappointed. Later, when we were out we got a different kind that you dip into a wand filled with bubbles. It works awesome!

On the 4th of July we had some very good friends of ours out to our house. They have a daughter that is good friends with Isaac. We had fun hanging out and the kids had a great time swimming and playing in the backyard.

After all the outdoor play the kids were ready for a movie and popcorn! Here's a picture of 2 peas in a pod:)

We tried to get a picture of all the kids in their 4th of July attire, but this is the best I could do. Crazies! :)

Later that night we all headed to fireworks. We sat in the distance in the movie theater parking lot, which was perfect for little kids. We had plenty of room and it wasn't quite as loud. The only drawback was we couldn't see some of the low ones, but that ended up being ok because I think the little one would have been too afraid. Bella LOVED the fireworks. I couldn't believe it. She sat in her stroller awake and grinning the whole time! In past years, the babies have always slept.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Glad to hear everyone is recovered!

We did fireworks too - Arianna fell asleep half way through! hehe