Monday, June 4, 2007

Bella's eyes and NICU follow-up

We will be heading to see the pediatric ophthalmologist this Friday AM. Bella's left eye started turning in about 2 months ago, and now its getting more noticeable. At her last appointment she was diagnosed with having a drooping right eyelid. At that time he told is to watch for her eye to turn in. He said she had all the risk factors to develop one: prematurity, drooping eyelid, and genetics (other family members who have or had one). Ironically, it is not the right eye that is turning in, its the left. When I called they said we needed to come in right away ( and not wait till her next appt in Oct). I don't think they were too happy I waited 2 months, but I wasn't actually sure that's what was going on, because it is an intermittent turn, not constant. ANYWAY, they wanted us in within a week, so we'll do that this Friday, after her 1 year check-up. Hopefully we wont need to put glasses on her yet. I cant imagine. She wont even keep a sun hat on:(

Her NICU follow-up at Children's went well. She scored at her adjusted age on motor and cognitive skills. Or course, like usual communication/language was the concern (no I don't mean talking-HA). Her overall communication ability was scored at 5-6 months old. Of course, I was crushed, but with her siblings having had speech delay, I was not surprised. She was already seen by the audiologist a few weeks back and her hearing is fine. It's just a delay that Early Intervention will work with her on more intensively this fall. They seemed pretty concerned at the Follow-up clinic, but I assured them that she is already being followed by Early Intervention. They suggested I get some sign language going with her since she hardly babbles. This may be hard since she has no comprehension of clapping, pointing or even knowing what something is if we say the word anything of the sort. Early intervention made us a book to use with her that has pictures of us and common objects. The point of it is to get her to "know" these things. Not say the word, but know what we are referring to if we say it to her. I think it will be awhile.


Tre's Mom said...

Please keep me posted on the finding. I hope that all is well. You're doing an awesome job!

Lisa said...

Jess, I know you probably know this already but be sure to mention Bella's episodes to the ophtho. Hope you get another good report on Friday!

Jennifer said...

Hi Jess,

Our ophtho said girls are actually much better with glasses than boys. We're anticipating glasses for Arianna in November too.

I had a horrible turn in my right eye - noticeable in pictures when I was a year old. I wish I had received glasses then rather than 4. My turn was horrid then and I was really teased for it.

I bet she'll be totally cute - hard to find a toddler than isn't cute in them!