Well, I am really behind now. I'll maybe have Halloween pics up by Thanksgiving-ha. Thursday of last week I had all 3 kids in to the doctor. Bella had an ear infection and got antibiotics, Savannah had croup and got put on steroids, and Isaac needed an antibiotic for his cough. Bella finished her antibiotic on Sunday. By Monday morning she had a 103 temp again. I brought her in and her ear had cleared up, so the doctor figured it was a virus. By that night I got the fever, but still kept plugging as I had a Powerpoint presentation on Wed night for class. Today is Friday and Bella sits with a 102 temp WITH Ibuprofen. I brought her back in this afternoon and the doctor thought it could be influenza, even though she got the shot. She thought this b/c the fever broke yesterday, but was back with a vengeance today, and that is how influenza presents. So, we did the flu test and doctor just called to say the influenza came back neg, but she thinks its parainfluenza. So, if she is worse this weekend we will go in, otherwise if nothing has changed by Monday we will go back in- that will be 9 days with a 103 fever. So, hopefully this weekend it breaks. I also still have an on and off fever. Hopefully everyone is well by the end of the weekend. This is our first year out of winter "isolation" since the girls were born. Hopefully, this isn't a sign or we may have to start being more selective about how much and where we go out again. UGH!